Navigating Job Relocation: Minimizing Stress and Maximizing Success

Miles Oliver
Navigating Job Relocation: Minimizing Stress and Maximizing Success
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The idea of relocating for a job can be exhilarating. Especially as you think about the chance to move to a different area to tackle a job you were born to do. However, as you consider what goes into the move, it’s natural to start getting nervous. You’re looking for a stress-free relocation experience. Just remember that this is a great opportunity, and you can conquer your job relocation with proper planning and some advice.

Eliminate The Potential for Stress

If you’re feeling even a bit anxious about moving for work, know that the feeling is natural. There are many reasons why moving for work can be so stressful, including the fact that you’ll realize that you’re uprooting your whole life and leaving your friends and likely many of your family members. There’s also the fact that you’ll need to make a lot of decisions along the way. Plus, you’re doing something entirely out of your comfort zone. However, you can minimize that stress by gaining control of your circumstances.


The first step is to talk to your new boss or the manager of your new department and ask important questions. What can you expect on the first day? How much time do you have to relocate to the new city? Will there be a grace period when you arrive as you gain your footing? What new duties will the new job entail? 


Researching the new location is important so you aren’t completely in the dark when you arrive. Consider taking a trip to the destination city before the big move so you can get a lay of the land. If you know where you’ll be living, rent a car and drive the commute to get a feel for the traffic and how long it will take. Go into the new office and talk to your coworkers. 


Doing all this can make things less jarring when you arrive. However, it’s still possible to notice signs of anxiety. Headaches, low energy, or the frequent grinding of your teeth are all common stress management issues. Start by ensuring you’re getting enough sleep to rest yourself for the move. Also, give yourself time to rest during the day by practicing meditation or yoga. You’ll likely have a lot on your mind during this time, so try journaling to get your concerns on paper and out of your head.

Smart Packing Is Key

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The most involved part of your relocation will be packing up your existing house, sending all your possessions across the country, and then unpacking and getting situated in your new home. The key is to take it one step at a time. You likely don’t need to keep everything you currently own. Go room by room, clear the clutter, and decide what you no longer need. Remember you don’t need to do this all at once, or you’ll become overwhelmed. Instead, create a schedule and give yourself 8-12 weeks to handle it all, if possible.


When you’re left with only the items you want to move, consider your options for transporting them to your new home. If you’re leaving an apartment or smaller space, consider renting a truck and driving it to your new city with your belongings so you can maximize your success and know everything will get there safely. If you have a lot of stuff, research reputable moving companies in your area and solicit their help. Some moving companies are a one-stop-shop, and they’ll pack up your current home, drive your boxes to the new place, and unpack it for you, which can take a lot off your shoulders.


Since you’ll likely be very focused on your new job when you arrive at your destination, it’s a good idea to wait on some of the unpacking and decorating of your house. Instead, consider renting a storage unit and putting your boxes there until you’re situated and have the time to find the perfect place in your house for your treasured items.

Don’t Forget The Little Things

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It will be very easy to get wrapped up in your new job and the moving process, so plan ahead and list the essential steps you’ll need to take once you arrive. One of those critical tasks is to set up your utilities at the new place and shut off the utilities at the old house. You’ll want to call the new utility company well in advance so they can get your lights on and the heat or air conditioning going as soon as you arrive.


It’s also necessary to change your address. This is typically an easy task you can accomplish by contacting the U.S. Post Office. Update your address in case you receive any paperwork from your employers. Remember to update your information with your bank and credit card companies so they don’t tie up your funds.


Take the time to greet the neighbors. They can be an important ally as you learn about the city. Finally, take the time to secure your new home by changing the locks and making key copies so you don’t get locked out.


These steps will make relocating much more manageable. You’ll then be in a better place when you start your new position. 

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