From Boxes to Bliss: A Guide to Exceptional Housewarming Celebrations

Miles Oliver
People gathered around a kitchen island with food
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Moving to a new home can be an exciting prospect, but it can also feel a little daunting. One of the ways you can start feeling more comfortable and really shake off the stress is to host a housewarming party.


That said, it can be difficult to know how to squeeze the most positivity juice out of the event. There are various types of parties you could throw and you naturally want to create a warm atmosphere. So, let’s look a little closer at some of the ways you can create an exceptional housewarming celebration for you and your guests.

Represent Your New Home’s Energy

A housewarming party is a great transitional activity. Before your celebration, you’ve technically moved into the property, but it might not quite feel as though you’re really home yet. Your party is an opportunity to claim the space as your own and kick off your life there. It’s worth thinking about what kind of party really represents the energy you want your new home to have.


Some of the types of parties that help you to start as you mean to go on might include:


  • A casual potluck: A potluck can be a good theme if you want your new home to be the kind of space where your friends and family feel able to just drop over and hang out. This is a party style that has a real community spirit where everyone is contributing something to the festivities. It also tends not to feel too formal. 
  • A wine dinner: A wine dinner is an elegant event where you pair each course of the meal with an appropriate wine. There is often gentle background music and soft lighting to set a relaxed mood. Many hosts also take the opportunity to educate their guests about the wines they’re serving. This can be a great option if you want to present your home as a space of sophistication.


It’s worth considering, too, that a housewarming is a good way to spend time with new neighbors as well as your friends. When choosing the type of party you want to hold, think about the type of impression you want to give about your personality.

Decorate to be Welcoming



Image Source: Pexels


No matter what type of housewarming you’re hosting, this is the first chance to host the people who mean the most to you in your new space. You naturally want them to feel as at home as they may have been in your last property. The choices you make about your party decorations can help make sure you open your doors to them with a welcoming atmosphere.


Start by finding fun and unique housewarming decorations that can express your creativity. You can give them a warm welcome as they pull up to your home with a custom yard sign that has a positive message and perhaps some balloons. Alongside the usual garlands and streamers inside, think about what you can put on your walls. In a new home, people often haven’t quite gotten around to hanging pictures or painting. You might be holding off permanent decor to simplify your planned renovations. So, filling your walls with festive tapestries, fairy lights, or banners can help make the place seem more cozy.


As much as possible, theme your housewarming decorations toward the idea of showing your guests that your home is a place where they can relax. Garlands with “Welcome To Our Home” are a good start. But you can also go further by setting out items that boost their sense of belonging. For instance, if your party is during the cold winter months, set out colorful and warm blankets they can snuggle up in for that extra hygge touch. You could also give each guest an individual wine glass tag or a mug with their name on it.

Start Building Memories


Image Source: Pexels

One of the downsides of a new space is that it doesn’t really have any positive memories associated with it yet. This is, after all, among the differences between a house or apartment and a home. Find some ways to use your housewarming party as a forum through which you can start developing some moments to remember for everyone there.


There are various ways you can go about capturing these memories, including:


  • Creative activities: Creativity is a great way to get everybody involved in a fun task. Perhaps plan an activity in which everyone makes a little something for your new home. This can be a great option if you’ve disposed of a lot of your belongings in an effort to make your move less stressful and have relatively few knick-knacks. Small clay items, a group collage, or even painting a mural on a wall can be fun options.
  • Build a photo wall: Encourage your guests to take photos throughout the party. You can then gather together to choose some of the best and print these out. Buy a selection of frames before your party so you can then mount the photos and create a wall display.
  • Start a guestbook: You don’t need to make this a book in which people simply sign their names. Ask guests to leave funny remarks or positive messages. You could also make this a recurring activity whenever they visit your home in the future.


The memories you create and capture don’t have to be perfect. Remember that accidents and faux pas can make for funny memories that leave a stamp on your home. Celebrate the spillages at your housewarming party with photos that are framed with the caption “the house’s first stain.”


Hosting a housewarming can set your new start off on a positive footing. Choose an event that represents the energy of your home, makes people feel welcome, and is set to forging great memories. Remember, though, that your guests won’t expect the most lavish or complicated party. They know how stressful moving can be. Don’t put yourself under unnecessary pressure to perform and instead focus on an event that brings simple joy to you and your guests.


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