Staying Positive While Downsizing Your Space

Miles Oliver
Staying Positive While Downsizing Your Space Bargain Storage
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Downsizing can be a great decision if you’re approaching retirement or are looking to move into a bustling city. A smaller space is easier to maintain and you may save a few hundred dollars on utility bills every year. 


However, downsizing can be difficult if you’re used to spacious living rooms and luxurious verandas. You may feel a little cramped when moving into the new space and will likely need to sell or store some of your furniture and decor. 


However, keeping a positive mindset will help you maintain a level head in any space and improve your long-term mental health and well-being. 

The Upsides of Downsizing

Intentionally downsizing your home is a big decision. You’re sacrificing some square footage and may be giving up a garden or garage, too. However, there are plenty of great reasons to downsize, including: 


  • Your Needs Have Changed: If your kids have moved out, you may not need a 4-bedroom home. The burden of cleaning the extra space can be overwhelming, too. A smaller space may inevitably come with less upkeep so you can have more free time for activities you enjoy more. 
  • You Can Save Money: Smaller spaces usually come with lower rent or mortgage payments, which may give you more disposable income at the end of the month. 
  • Moving Location: Moving to your favorite town or city can be expensive. Reducing your bills by downsizing can get you on the property ladder in your ideal location without breaking the bank. 


Downsizing can significantly improve your quality of life and give you greater financial freedom. This is particularly important if you’re moving to be closer to family or friends. A smaller space may feel like a step backward but, in reality, smaller homes require less upkeep and are usually less expensive. This will give you more time and disposable to spend with loved ones.



Stress Management

You may find it difficult to pack up your life and move to a new neighborhood or city when downsizing. This is completely normal, as 64% of people say that moving house is the most stressful thing a person can do. Learning to manage the stress you’re under will help you stay positive while downsizing your home. 


Effective stress management starts with a great diet. Begin your day with a nutritious, filling breakfast. The benefits of a good breakfast include:


  • Increased energy;
  • Better blood sugar management;
  • Improved mental health. 


Drink plenty of water while packing and planning, too. A great diet can help you stay focused and fight fatigue while loading boxes, contacting estate agents, and driving to and from your new home. 


If you’re still struggling to manage your stress, consider speaking to a mental health professional. This is particularly important if you’ve made the decision to downsize due to changes in your personal life. An accredited mental health professional can help you work through the stressors you are facing. You’ll be more resilient for it and be capable of overcoming future obstacles. 

Making the Move Easier and Exciting

Moving can be mentally draining and physically taxing. However, you can make the process much easier by utilizing the best moving tips and tricks out there today: 


  • Set a Schedule: Moving is a full-time job — so treat it like one! Start the day at the same time and avoid the temptation to work late into the night. Give yourself adequate time for lunch and take breaks before jumping into a challenging task. 
  • Hire Professional: Professional movers make downsizing much easier. They’ll know what can fit in your new space and what should be stored or sold. Get a quote before the move, as moving fees can spiral quickly. 
  • Time Your Move: Spring and summer are the busiest times to move. You’ll pay a premium for professional services and may struggle to find a new property to live in. Consider a winter move to save money and increase your options. 
  • Use Storage: Your new home may not be able to house all your items. Consider using a self-storage unit while you are renovating your space and slowly reintroduce your favorite decor over the coming weeks or months.  


Planning ahead will make the move much easier. Lighten the load by bringing in professionals who will care for your items in transit and free up your time to spend on exciting tasks like redecorating your new space. 


Consider switching up your interior design when moving into a smaller space. Style your small space with a color thread throughout the space and go bold with your wallpaper. This will bring personality to your new home and help the rooms feel larger than they really are. 




Even if downsizing wasn’t a choice you made but rather a matter of circumstance, think of the privileges that come with the space. If you face the situation with gratitude, you’re less likely to look at your living situation with resentment, which can take a toll on your mental health. 


Moreover, moving may be stressful — even if you consider all the tips listed. However, it’s only a temporary situation. Soon enough, you’ll be able to move on with your life and make your house a home. 



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