City to Small Town: Embracing the Slow Life and Finding Your Pace

Miles Oliver
Embracing the Slow Life and Finding Your Pace
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The idea of moving to a small town may be jarring at first as you slowly realize how much your life might truly change. Whether you’re moving for a job, to be closer to family, or to try something new, you must be prepared for a shake-up of your normal life. Things can be a bit slower in smaller towns, but they also offer many great perks that may be precisely what you need at the movement. Here are some things to consider before your move and how to avoid stress as you look towards a change in scenery.

Considerations Before Your Move

Whether you’re looking for a change of pace or moving for your livelihood, it’s important to think about how your life will differ. There are many considerations to remember and many benefits when moving to a small town, so think about how each will specifically impact your life.


For instance, you may not be as exposed to the cultural melting pot as you are in the city. Also, there may be fewer educational options and a smaller job market in a town with fewer people. If your kids are in school, then research the options where you’ll be moving and ensure they meet your expectations.


The good news is that many of your concerns about a small town can have an upside you weren't expecting. As an example, you might move to a small town and find a job. Then you discover that your salary is half what it once was. The upside is that the cost of living is generally lower in rural towns with cheaper housing and more affordable utilities. So you could still be in good financial shape. You may also find a general lack of public transportation to help you get from place to place. However, in a smaller town, your job may be closer, so you might be able to ride your bike or carpool.


In fact, if you are living in a more rural area you may have access to more outdoor spaces, Being in nature benefits your physical and mental health in a variety of ways, as recreating outdoors can improve your blood pressure, recovery time and sleep. Many people also find that spending time outside reduces their stress and increases their sense of connection with the world around them. If you are looking for some respite from the urban life, it’s understandable that you will want to get started on your move to a small town right away. 


Moving And Setting Up Your New Life

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There are also considerations you’ll need to make before and after your move is complete. 


Your new life may require you to live in a smaller house; if that’s the case, you’ll need to declutter and consolidate your belongings to fit in the new dwelling. Look at the weather in the town where you’re moving, and if it will be warmer or cooler, then donate the clothes you no longer need. Maybe there are hobbies you won’t do in the new town. If so, donate that equipment. If there’s some items you can’t let go but don’t have space, then cut out some of the stress of worrying about what to do and get a storage locker for the meantime.


If you’re going for a job, try to schedule your move so you get there ahead of time and allow yourself a chance to get a lay of the land. You may not have a convenience store or gas station on every corner like you did in the city, so check out where these places are and maybe take the route to work so you know how long it will take. 


This is also a chance to meet new people who can become fast friends. Introduce yourself to the neighbors if they don’t get to you first, and ask them any questions you may have, as they’ll likely be glad to help. Ask them about the best local activities and find out where everyone hangs out and then check out the hotspots.

Health Benefits And Considerations

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There are many health benefits to moving to a small town that may not become apparent until you arrive. One is the fact that there’s often less noise, which is great for helping you to clear your mind. With fewer people, there also tends to be less crime, which is always a good thing.


The other perk is that there’s generally cleaner air because there are fewer vehicles and factories and more trees and grass. However, if you have allergies, you may find that they still flare up, especially if you're allergic to plants or pests that you weren’t around previously. If those allergens get into your home, then you could be in a world of trouble, so eliminate allergens from your property by having a professional come in to clean your air ducts and make a habit of dusting your home regularly. You can also invest in portable air purifiers and put them in the rooms where you’re at the most so you can breathe easier.


Finally, keep in mind that if you experience a health issue or have an emergency at home, you may not have access to the same number of hospitals and law enforcement that you did in the city, so research the local hospitals, fire, and police stations so you know where to go in an emergency.


Do your research and prepare accordingly, and you can move to your new home in your friendly small town without fuss or frustration.


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